
本笃会的大学 has a lot to offer transfer students.

动态社区. In national surveys, Benedictine outperforms peers in campus life. 约60%的毕业生担任正式的领导职务,而其他太阳城官网的这一比例为36%. Students meet lifelong friends who support their values.

兴旺的信仰生活. 校园里每天举行四次弥撒, confession seven days a week and Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. 我们三分之一的学生参加宣教旅行,包括四大洲的14个国家.

励志奖学金. 我们的49个专业, 与同级学校的学生相比,本尼迪克特学院的学生更有可能直接与教师合作,完成高级项目. 每年有数十名教师在全国IDEA教师评估中排名前10%. 65%的学生获得了实地经验或实习机会,远高于我们的同龄人.

Find out what classes will transfer to Benedictine using Transferology!



每个步骤都在表格上列出 转学录取程序 页面.


You must meet the minimum grade point average of 2.0 of college-level credit to be considered for full-time admission.

Do I need to send all of my college/university transcripts?

是的, we need official transcripts from every school you have attended. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted for admission purposes. Faxed or emailed transcripts are considered unofficial.

Do I need to send my final high school transcripts and ACT/SAT score?

如果你有24个或更多的大学学分, you do not need to submit your ACT/SAT score or high school transcript. 如果你的大学学分少于24个, we require you to submit your official score report on the ACT or SAT, and a complete official high school transcript with date of graduation.


As soon as you begin thinking about 本笃会的大学.

How long does it take to get an admission decision?

We review transfer application on a rolling basis. 大多数申请人将在申请完成后两周内做出录取决定.


是的, 曾被本笃会接纳, 学术记录办公室将评估你的成绩单,这个初步评估通常会在7-10天内通过电子邮件发送给你.

How do I secure my spot at 本笃会的大学 for the upcoming semester?

Let us know you are planning to attend Benedictine by submitting your $350 入学费用及住宿申请. We require both items to secure your placement for Class Registration. The enrollment fee may be paid online with a major credit card or by contacting 你的入学顾问. The Campus 住宅太阳城官网程序 may be submitted online; the Commuter Application can be mailed to 本笃会的大学, 招生办公室, 北二街1020号, 艾奇逊,KS 66002.


After submitting your fee and housing application, the Office of the Registrar will assign your academic advisor. When registration opens, your advisor will contact you and enroll you in classes.


Your assigned 入学辅导员 is determined by your home address.



Want to estimate your available financial aid as a transfer student? 使用 财政援助计算器!


This Scholarship is based on your cumulative college grade point average:


Phi Theta Kappa奖学金

A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to members of Phi Theta Kappa. This scholarship is in addition to the 转学奖学金. 至少需要24个学分. 收到Phi Theta Kappa证书后, this scholarship will be added to your 金融援助 package. Part-time students and students with previous bachelors’ degrees are not eligible.

National Evangelization Team (NET Ministries) 奖学金

A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to members of NET Ministries


如果是秋季入学的话, 您需要在1月1日之后完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)才能被考虑为机构, 状态, 或者联邦财政援助,包括勤工俭学.




Will my credits transfer and what are the guidelines?

本尼迪克特学院尽一切努力帮助你进入我们的教育项目. 你可以。ind out what classes will transfer to Benedictine at Transferology以下指导方针将帮助您从另一个机构转移学分到本尼迪克特学院,以满足太阳城官网的要求.

  • If you are presenting less than four semesters of college-level work, 注册主任需要审查你的课程,以确定可以转学的学时数和你的班级排名.
  • 如果你的学分少于24学分, you are required to submit an official report of scores earned on the ACT or SAT; and a complete official high school transcript.
  • 两年制院校转学最多可获得64个学期学分. The final two semesters (30 credit hours) must be completed at 本笃会的大学.
  • 如果你有60个或更多小时的认可学分和/或艺术副学士或科学副学士学位, you will be granted junior status with the understanding that:
    • Grades earned at other institutions will not be computed into your grade point average.
    • 在本尼迪克特的前两个学期, you will be subject to the academic standing rules for freshmen; subsequently, you will be subject to the requirements for upperclassmen.  In order to graduate, you must meet the graduation requirements of a 2.无论你何时转学到本学院,平均绩点(包括总绩点和专业绩点)都为0.
    • A minimum of twenty-eight hours of general education is required. (See the General Education section in the 课程目录 for details.)
    • Thirty hours of upper-division credit are required for graduation.
    • 然而, 高中毕业后首先进入本尼迪克特学院的新生, even if they have an associate’s degree or transfer in 60 or more hours, are responsible for completing the entire general education program.
  • 未获认可院校转学的学生须经教务处审核,以决定转学学时数及上课时间.


只有与本尼迪克特学院提供的课程相当的课程才可以转学.  All such courses must have a grade of ‘C-‘ or better and meet the guidelines of credit.

联系你的 入学辅导员 浏览获批准课程的最新名单.

将尝试确定课程等效的具体本笃会的要求.  如果不能取得同等学分,课程作业一般会被接受为选修学分.

从非地区认证机构转学课程的请求将按课程进行评估.  You will need to be prepared to provide course description, 课程教学大纲, information about the instructor’s qualifications, 以及其他可能的信息.



Vocational Technical courses are generally not transferable. 如果课程与你的专业相关,个别院系可能会有例外.



Campus housing for upperclass women include these residence halls:

Campus housing for upperclassmen include these residence halls:



不一定. If you meet one of the qualifications for Commuter Status, you may complete the online 住宅太阳城官网程序 作为通勤者.

  • 非传统的学生. (由注册主任办公室核实.)
  • 2024年8月28日或之前年满23岁
  • Live with parents or a legal guardian in the Atchison community (30 mile radius)
  • 结婚了
  • 宗教团体的成员
  • 学院全职员工
  • 受抚养子女或子女
  • 五年级高年级社会阶层地位
  • 在大学认可的项目中出国学习. Commuter status is recognized for the duration of the program
  • 住在艾奇逊地区,但至少有一年没有在该学院注册
  • 仅限实习教师: 实习教师的工作地点离校园至少50英里
  • 仅限转学生: 在你以前的学院或大学独自住了至少一年. Living at home with parents or relatives does not qualify
  • 邮寄任何证明文件至:

    艾奇逊,KS 66002


Any student who has been absent from 本笃会的大学 must contact the Office of the Associate Dean of the College 寻求重新接纳. 学生需要:

  1. Complete the form to update his or her personal information and academic plans. The fee is not required for readmission applications.
  2. Submit official transcripts of any coursework completed at another college.
  3. 在其他学院或大学就读的重新被学院录取的学生必须满足《太阳城官网》中转学入学部分所述的令人满意的学业进步要求 课程目录.

如果学生被重新录取, he or she will be requested to submit an enrollment and housing deposit as appropriate. 这将是必要的,只有当申请人的原始存款被退还时,他或她提取.


本尼迪克特学院自豪地支持我们的军人,因为他们的奉献和牺牲. 本尼迪克特积极参与VA福利的接受,这将有助于您完成学位的进展. Please contact the 金融援助 Office for further assistance at 913-360-7485.



任何获得学士学位的人都可以进入本尼迪克特学院攻读额外的本科学位. 然而,你可能不能继续攻读与之前所学专业相同的学位. 即使需要更少的时间来完成你的新专业,你也需要至少获得30个新的居住小时. (None of these 30 hours can be transferred from other colleges or universities, 由CLEP获得, 或者通过体验式学习. 这与本尼迪克特学院的政策是一致的,最后30个小时必须在宿舍获得.)


毕业后所有课程的累积平均绩点将单独计算,因为你的平均绩点在毕业时是“冻结”的. Latin honors are only awarded for your first bachelor’s degree.

Institutional scholarships are not available to students seeking a second degree. 你可能不会收到任何礼物援助(e).g. 佩尔助学金). 只有当你正在攻读学位并有一个实际的预期学位日期时,你才能利用联邦贷款计划.